Home » Abia, Headlines, State News » Fani-Kayode under fire for accusing Gov Oti of refusing to recognise Tinubu as president (The Same Fani-Kayode who soundly abused Mr. Tinubu)

Fani-Kayode under fire for accusing Gov Oti of refusing to recognise Tinubu as president (The Same Fani-Kayode who soundly abused Mr. Tinubu)

Fani-Kayode under fire for accusing Gov Oti of refusing to recognise Tinubu as president

On Wednesday, Kayode took a swipe at the state governor and accused him of refusing to hang the official portrait of the new President of Nigeria, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, in his office because he does not recognise the ex-Lagos Governor as his president.

However, Mr Ekeoma, while reacting in a statement issued in Umuahia, the state capital, described Fani-Kayode’s claim as malicious and unfounded, as the government is not surprised at the cheap pettiness and lack of decorum displayed by the former minister.

According to him, “Unlike Fani-Kayode, who had manifested his known trademark of pettiness and lack of decorum when he roundly and repeatedly abused and blackmailed President Tinubu in the past, Governor Alex Otti , in line with his upbringing, orientation, character and exposure, does not act irrationally and thus could not have under any circumstances refused to recognise President Tinubu as the President of Nigeria, especially, when he and the President enjoy a long standing relationship that transcends politics.

“Oti had President Tinubu’s picture featured prominently on the first page of his inauguration brochure, and also ensured that dozens of the president’s portraits were produced and distributed to different government offices”.

Ekeoma maintained that the ex-minister’s poor strategy of trying to use the governor’s name to secure an appointment in Tinubu’s government is dead on arrival, as the President knows Mr. Fani-Kayode is an unstable character.

Words: “The President knows that Fani-Kayode is an unstable character who is notorious for spewing venom and vituperation against the innocent for the purpose of economic survival.

“The fact that Fani-Kayode, a former minister, has reduced himself to the level of going to social media to copy fake news and use a sitting governor, shows how damaged and disoriented he has become, hence the need to say a word of prayer on his bed.

The Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the Abia Governor, therefore enjoined the general public to disregard the malicious allegation and see it as idle gossip from a mischief maker who, according to him, desires to sow a seed of discord and disaffection for selfish political gains.

-Daily Postwp_posts

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Posted by on Jul 9 2023. Filed under Abia, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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