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FG commissions Kebbi FMC isolation centre, 11 other projects

From Olanrewaju Lawal, Birnin Kebbi

The Federal Government has commissioned infectious disease isolation and treatment centre as well as eleven other completed capital projects at the Federal Medical Center, Birnin Kebbi.

The eleven projects comprised molecular laboratory and flameless incinerator, ten bed intensive care unit, NHIS complex, drug information centre and out-:patient dispensing unit, and digital X- Ray machine.
Other are, Amenity ward, maternity complex phase 1 and foundation laying of phase 2, house officers quarters, power house phase 3, waste management site and C-arm machine and other theatre equipment and instruments.

While commissioning the projects, the Minister of State for Health, Dr Adeleke Olorunnimbe- Mamora, said, in Birnin Kebbi on Monday, that the projects were executed through COVID-19 funds and others were done outside the funds.

He said,” This investiture disease isolation centre and Molecular laboratory are provided in all the tertiary health institutions in Nigeria.
“They are Federal Government projects executed through COVID-19 intervention funds, established to manage the pandemic challenges, during and beyond COVID- 19 inline with the President Muhammad Buhari next level agenda”.

Olorunnimbe- Mamora, who commended the board directors, management and union in the centre for harmonious relations, noted that their unity metamorphosed to the gigantic projected executed and commissioned.

“Without peace,without cordiality,without harmony,we would not achieved what we are witnessing so far.

” I thank you very much board of directors of the centre and
I understand today, we are set to commission many projects and of course,what these tell us is the manifestation of the Federal Ministry of Health directive on proactive measure on COVID-19 response on all the tertiary health institutions in Nigeria.

“The development we are achieving today could not have happened without industrial harmony, between the management in one hand and between the management and the unions in other hands.

” I can not complete this address without reminding the management of this centre the critical importance of the gigantic projects we are commissioning today on the culture of sustaining maintenance of the projects.

“This is to enable all these projects, facilities served the people of the state, the minister said.

Earlier, Dr Aliyu Balarabe, the Chief Medical Director of the centre, said that the federal government was able to complete the projects with the determination of the Federal Ministry of Health to build a robust healthcare infrastructure in line with the transformation and the next level agenda of President Muhammadu Buhari.

“The hospital and a leading referral centre provides accessible, affordable and qualitative emergency care, impatient care, outpatient care and other specialised services to our teeming patient population.

“The population has grown to over 100,000 outpatient visits and 13,000 inpatient admission annually. The delivery of the services is been administered within the context of the National Health Act and paying cognisance to the rights and privileges of healthcare providers, healthcare personnel and the users.

” Our specialised procedures include endoscope procedures, laparoscope surgeries, endourologic procedures, plastic and reconstructive procedures, total knee and hip replacement surgeries as well as spine decompression and stabilization procedures,” he said.

He also revealed that an institutional cancer registry was established with the support of Dr Zainab Shinkafi – Bagudu in addition to the population based registry in the State.

“The federal ministry of health include our hospital and Kebbi FMC to benefit from chemotherapy access programme I’m collaboration with CHAI Foundation, stakeholders meeting and on- boarding of documents have been concluded and the programme is to be activated soos to the benefit of cancer patients in the state.

“It seeks to provide cancer medicines at over 50 per cent reduced cost as the FMC and Kebbi medical centre, Kalgo are the first hospitals in our categories so far to be included in the CAP programme,” Balarabe said.

The MD lamented manpower, sophisticated equipment, inadequate funding, especially overhead to deal with demands on power, payment of security, cleaners and capacity building as the major challenges facing the centre.

In his address,the Chairman, Board of the Management of the FMC, Prince Abdulmalik Haruna-Afegbua, commended the harmonious working relationship between the board, management and the host community.

He said the centre had never had the accelerated growth and development as under the leadership of Dr Balarabe.

The chairman expressed the desire to be more determine in their collective quest for providing succour to the citizens through good healthcare service delivery as envisaged by the federal ministry of health and Presidency.

In his remarks, Gov. Atiku Bagudu, represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Umar Babale- Yauri, commended the federal government for the execution of the projects in the state.

He also assured that the state government would continue to support the FMC to sustain the maintenance of the projects. .


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Posted by on Jul 5 2021. Filed under Headlines, Kebbi, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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