Home » Africa & World Politics, Headlines » FG describes death of physically-challenged man in Italy ‘brutal murder’

FG describes death of physically-challenged man in Italy ‘brutal murder’


By Biodun Busari

The Nigerian Embassy, located in Rome, Italy, has described as “brutal murder” the death of a 39-year-old Nigerian, Alika Ogorchukwu, who was been beaten to death by an Italian man in Civitanova Marche city area of the country.

Vanguard reported, yesterday, that a man attacked Ogorchukwu and beat him to death on Friday even as the onlookers filmed the sad incident without intervening in Civitanova Marche city, located in the Province of Macerata, Marche Region of Italy.

The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission and the Nigerian Embassy have confirmed the development.

Explaining what happened, the embassy in a statement described the incident as a ‘brutal murder’, and vowed to get justice for the deceased.

The statement read, “The attention of the Embassy has been drawn to the brutal murder of Alika Ogorchukwu. A 39-year-old Nigerian citizen who was beaten to death by an Italian man on Friday 29th July 2022, in Civitanova Marche city, located in the Province of Macerata, Marche Region of Italy.

“The incident occurred on a busy street, in front of shocked onlookers. Some of whom made videos of the attack, with little or no attempt to prevent it.

“His Excellency, Ambassador Mfawa Omini Abam has condemned the gruesome murder and has commiserated with Mrs. Charity Oriachi, wife of the deceased, and the rest of his family.

“His Excellency has directed the provision of immediate consular assistance as appropriate. The Embassy is currently collaborating with relevant Italian authorities to ensure justice is served and to provide succour to the family of the deceased.

“Ambassador Abam wishes to enjoin members of the Nigerian community in Italy to remain calm and to refrain from taking laws into their hands.

“His Excellency wishes to reassure Nigerians in Italy that citizen diplomacy remained the key thrust of his administration and will leave no stone unturned in ensuring that all Nigerians in Italy receive timely, efficient, and professional consular services.”

While confirming the sad occurrence in a tweet on Saturday, NIDCOM said, “39-year-old Nigerian citizen was beaten to death by an Italian man on Friday 29th July 2022, in Civitanova Marche city, located in the Province of Macerata, Marche Region of Italy.”


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Posted by on Aug 2 2022. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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