Home » Aviation, Headlines, United Kingdom (UK) » FG in talks with UK on Air Peace Lagos-London flight

FG in talks with UK on Air Peace Lagos-London flight


By Sandra Nwaokolo

The Minister of Aviation and Aerospace, Festus Keyamo, embarked on a diplomatic mission to London on Friday to address the issue of establishing direct flights from Lagos to London.

According to a statement released on Saturday, Keyamo held discussions with UK officials in the transport department during his visit.

The meeting also included talks with the management of NORSE Atlantic Airways, headed by its CEO, Ben Boiling.

The focus of the discussions was on exploring potential partnerships between NORSE Atlantic Airways and Nigeria’s domestic carrier, Air Peace Airline. North Atlantic Airways is recognised as a prominent carrier in the UK and Europe.

Oluwatoyin Olajide, the Chief Operating Officer of Air Peace Airline, was also in attendance and expressed optimism regarding the outcome of the meeting.

Olajide stated, “We are hopeful that the fallout of the meeting will achieve its purpose of enabling Air Peace Airline to commence its flight operations into the United Kingdom, which Nigerians have been yearning for.”

According to the statement, Keyamo made it clear that one of his main goals in office was to help Nigeria’s domestic airlines grow and improve, supporting President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda.

Boiling told Keyamo that NORSE Atlantic Airways was ready to start the partnership with Air Peace Airline the moment the final authorisation was granted to the airline for the commencement of direct flights into Gatwick Airport in London from Lagos, Nigeria.

Air Peace has since been permitted to fly into the UK but has been having trouble getting time slots at Gatwick Airport in London.

“Since securing its authorization to fly into the UK, after satisfying all the requirements, the issue of slot allocation at Gatwick Airport has been the major obstacle preventing the airline from commencing the direct flight into London,” the statement read in part.

However, the Department for Transport told Air Peace at the meeting that the UK government has no authority over the allocation of slots needed.

“The officials of the Department for Transport at the meeting made it known that the Government of the UK had no authority over the allocation of slots at the eight primary airports in the UK.

“However, they agreed to raise the concern of the Federal Government of Nigeria with the relevant authorities on the three major issues presented on behalf of Air Peace Airline, which were the staggering departure time, restrictive turnaround time, and approval for the 2024 summer schedule,” the statement added.

-Nigerian Tribune

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Posted by on Jan 27 2024. Filed under Aviation, Headlines, United Kingdom (UK). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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