Home » Africa & World Politics » Ghana: Married police inspector arrested for killing girlfriend over alleged cheating

Ghana: Married police inspector arrested for killing girlfriend over alleged cheating

By Adekunle Dada

A Ghanaian police inspector, Ahmed Twumasi, has been arrested for killing his 27-year-old girlfriend, Victoria Daapa, popularly known as Maa Adwoa over alleged cheating in

Twumasi, who is married with children, allegedly shot the mother of one at close range on Thursday 20th April 2023, at Adum in front of Dufie Towers in the Ashanti regional capital, Kumasi.

Maa Adwoa was rushed to the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital where she was pronounced dead on arrival.

The Ghana Police Service, in a press release on Sunday evening, April 23, 2023, disclosed that the suspect was arrested at his hideout at Sekyere near Effiduase in the Ashanti Region.

The statement read, “The Police have this evening arrested a Police officer, Inspector Ahmed Twumasi, who is alleged to have shot and killed a female adult, who was believed to be his girlfriend,” the statement read.

“The shooting incident occurred in Kumasi, in the Ashanti region, on Thursday, 20th April 2023. The suspect, who has been on the run since the incident, was arrested at Sekyere, near Effiduase in the Ashanti Region as a result of a special Police operation, which was launched following the shooting incident. The suspect is currently in Police custody and will be put before court to face justice.”

According to reports, the police officer suspected Maa Adwoa of cheating on him, and although she denied the allegations, he became increasingly angry.

An eyewitness reported that the officer first kissed Maa Adwoa before shooting her to death.

“After the first two shots, she was pleading with the guy to stop and he added three more shots before jumping into a rickshaw to run away. Because he was holding a gun, we could not attempt to arrest him,” the eyewitness narrated.

Maa Adwoa’s uncle, who was also present at the scene, stated that the police officer first shot her in the forehead and then multiple times in the stomach and other parts of her body until she fell and died.

Speaking to GHPage, the deceased’s father, Atakora revealed that his late daughter had a man he knew as her boyfriend and they both shared a baby girl.

“The man I know is a footballer. He even has a brother who has played for the Black Stars before. He and Madwoa have a daughter together. I am not aware of this police inspector and his relationship with my child,” the heartbroken father said.



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