Home » Africa & World Politics » Ghana police warns religious leaders against false prophesies as 2022 looms

Ghana police warns religious leaders against false prophesies as 2022 looms

(NNP) As 2022 looms, the Ghana police have issued a stein warning to religious leaders to refrain from  dubious prophesies that cannot be verified with the potential to cause panic among the population and in some cases cause undue harm to those affected by the prophesy. In a communique issued to the public, the police high command warned, “As 2021 draws to a close, the Ghana police service wishes to draw the attention of Ghanaians, especially religious groups, to the fact that whereas we have the right to religion, freedom of worship and free speech, all these rights are subject to respect of the rights and freedoms of others according to our laws.”

The communique continues, “We want to caution that under Ghanaian law, it is a crime for a person to publish or reproduce a statement, rumour or report which is likely to cause fear or alarm to the public or to disturb the public peace, where that person has no evidence to prove that the statement, rumour or report is true.”

The statement goes on to emphasis that it is also a crime for a person to send knowingly by electronic communication a false statement or report to cause public disaffection and unease. Such person or persons according to the statement, will be subject to up to five years imprisonment if convicted.  The statement concludes, “The Ghana Police Service wishes to place on record that the police are not against prophesies; we acknowledge that we Ghanaians are a religious people who know, and believe in, the centrality of God in our lives.”



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Posted by on Dec 28 2021. Filed under Africa & World Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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