Home » Articles, Columnists, Governors, Imo, Kenneth Uwadi, NNP Columnists, State News » Gov. Uzodinma’s three Years in Office, So Far So Good – By Kenneth Uwadi

Gov. Uzodinma’s three Years in Office, So Far So Good – By Kenneth Uwadi

‘ ‘By Kenneth Uwadi | Imo State, Nigeria | August 5, 2023 – Given Nigeria’s history of corruption of some public office holders, some Nigerians have very low expectations of politicians. But some politicians in Nigeria are distinguishing themselves in the quality of leadership they are offering the people. Governor Hope Uzodinma of Imo state is one of such politicians. I have said this several times that I  admire leaders that are people’s welfare conscious, leaders that do not believe in hanky-panky games, leaders that are out to work for the people. I admire men of action, men of hope, men of the people and men of sincerity. The present Governor of Imo state, Senator Hope Uzodinma is one of such men. Uzodinma is doing well for Imo and I admire him. You cannot get my admiration unless you are doing well for the people.

The 15th January 2020 stands remarkable in Imo State. On that day the Governor of the State, Hope Uzodinma took the oath of office at Heroes’ Square, Owerri.  On that day the governor re-affirmed his promise to run an open-door policy anchored on three Rs -Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Recovery. The governor said corruption and impunity will be tackled, noting that the state would improve under his watch.“We must ensure prosperity for everyone. We will put in place good governance; human capital development and social welfare; agriculture and rural development; entrepreneurship and industrialization including  physical infrastructure and environmental development’’

The year 2020 is  gone, we are now in  2023. 15th January will be three years of the Uzodinma’s administration. It is important for the people to scrutinize the performance of the governor on his promises. In three years, Uzodinma has made Imo proud with appreciable progress in the State. He has made giant strides in providing good road networks to the towns and rural areas. More than 70 roads have benefited from the road revolution in the state. While some have been completed and commissioned, others are at various stages of completion. The 34 kilometer stretch from Owerri to Orlu and  the 45 kilometers from Owerri to Okigwe have been completed. Another 27 kilometers road from Owerri to Umuahia , passing through Mbaise is currently under massive construction. The level of road transformation and development in Imo is  very good as the governor   is leaving a legacy of service. He has continued to make remarkable footprints in the State in spite of the various battles he had to confront.

I see him as a top achiever in governance. His government marked the dawn of a new era which is what governance should be, that is, governing for the good of the people. Those who thought he will be another lame duck Governor have been proved wrong. I join others to praise him for doing well, putting the state on the fast track of development. He has never lost focus for one second in his avowed commitment to Imo people to deliver quality governance. I know that he embarked on the rehabilitation of the dilapidated structures in the State Secretariat, and currently provides free transport for both management and other workers in the civil service. He has paid Civil servants a 13th month salary as Christmas bonus for the second year. Brand new vehicles have been provided for the security agencies in the state. Permanent secretaries, judges and most traditional rulers have also received brand new vehicles.

The volume of compliments that greeted the Governor at the 7th  Imo Stakeholders Forum this year  goes to show that success is good. In a unanimous voice vote the Imo State Stakeholders who gathered for the 7th edition of the  Stakeholders Meeting, endorsed him for second tenure. This is a confirmation that hard work never goes unnoticed. The complex set of initiatives that is putting smiles on the faces of Imo people today is what has been branded the 3R .The governor has saved billions of naira from all the hitherto leaking conduit pipes through which ghost workers and dead pensioners were being paid for years. The capital has also been rid of abandoned vehicles, which had littered the city, evacuated hundreds of metric tons of refuse.

Chief Engr. Emmanuel Iwuanyanwu, one of the  Stakeholders and statesmen  in Imo State and so many others have commended the Governor and openly announced that they are proud of his  leadership qualities. I must not fail to commend the governor on efforts made to contain the Covid-19 pandemic and his success in the fight against insecurity. I must also commend him on the rehabilitation of 305 health centers across the State, the steps taken to recover the looted assets of the state., the recovery of  stolen assets of the Imo Transport Company (ITC), the recovery of the former Eastern palm university, Ogboko, which is now fully state owned and rightly renamed, “Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University”, Ogboko, the Royal Spring Palm Hotels, IBC quarters just to mention a few. I must commend him on the total renovation of Dan Anyiam stadium and other projects to boost sporting activities in the State, revamping of Adapalm, upgrading and putting into use the ICT Centres in all the Local Government Areas. The governor also has empowered so many  small businesses and so many youths. I must also commend him on the payment of the indebtedness of Imo Shoe Industry with AMCON.The Shoe Industry  is now back to Imo state ownership and will contribute to job creation, and improve the internally generated revenue of the State. Honestly, you deserve a re-election. Ndenwo!

-Kenneth Uwadi lives in Mmahu-Egbema, Imo State, Nigeriawp_posts

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Posted by on Aug 6 2023. Filed under Articles, Columnists, Governors, Imo, Kenneth Uwadi, NNP Columnists, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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