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Groups endorse Kalu for Senate president

From Tony John, Port Harcourt

Niger Delta Peace and Development Advocates (NDPA) and South-South Youth (SSY) Group have endorsed the aspiration of former Abia State governor, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu, for president of the senate.

They also endorsed the  Senate Chief  Whip during a meeting in Port Harcourt, the Rivers State, saying the senate needed a competent, experienced, nationalist and team player to oversee its activities.  

The endorsement was contained in a communique signed by the President of NDPA, Kelvin Ebi-Thomas and Secretary of SSY, Jude Taunu.

It read: “The Senate today needs a just man, a man with the audacity of purpose, and a team player  to oversee its activities. And nobody else fits this description better than Senator Orji Uzor Kalu. The senate needs a man of competence, experience, and a nationalist like Senator Kalu Uzor Kalu, who has proved to be capable of  managing different political interests during his over 24 years of involvement in partisan politics both in the executive and legislative offices.”

The two groups said  Kalu as Senate Chief Whip has proved he is a detribalised Nigeria. They also lauded Kalu as a politician with mastery of the rules and proceedings of the senate that  has armed him with immense capacity, wisdom, and experience to ensure an effective synergy  between the legislative,  executive and  judicial arms of government.

“The Niger Delta Peace and Development Advocates and South South Youth are convinced that his emergence as president of the senate will silence agitations  by the South Easterners arising from the perceived marginalization of the region and also douse the tensions generated by the Muslim-Muslim ticket and further prove that the president-elect is a lover of Christians. By this communique, Niger Delta Peace and Development Advocates and South South Youth hereby endorse Senator Orji Uzor Kalu as the 10th National Assembly Senate President.”


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Posted by on Apr 9 2023. Filed under Latest Politics, Legislature, Senate. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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