Home » Anambra, Headlines, State News » Gunmen behead Anambra State lawmaker – Gov. Soludo places N10m bounty

Gunmen behead Anambra State lawmaker – Gov. Soludo places N10m bounty

Anambra State governor, Professor Charles Soludo, has expressed deep shock over the barbaric murder of a member of the State House of Assembly Hon. Okechukwu Okoye by yet to be identified Gunmen, even as he placed bounty of 10 million naira on any one with useful information that can lead to the arrest of the Perpetrators

He stated this on Saturday in a statement shortly after he received the sad news of the gruesome murder of the law maker, who represented Aguata (II) State Constituency in the State House of Assembly until his death.

It would be recalled that the legislator and his aide, Cyril Chiegboka were abducted by the heartless murderers on 15th May 2022.

The All progressive Grand Alliance APGA, governor, condoled with his kinsmen of Isuofia Community in Aguata Council area of the state, noting that it is probably same criminal gang that attacked him and killed three policemen in the locality two years ago that are once again on the prowl.

He said “But they can never cow down Isuofia and Anambra state” vowing that the perpetrators as well as all criminal elements operating in Anambra must be decisively brought to book.

The governor, consequently placed a N10 million bounty for anyone or group that will avail valuable information that will lead to the immediate arrest of the perpetrators.

He said that “Anambra will soon be a hell for these criminals” , even as he reassured citizens of the State of the resolve and renewed determination with the security agencies to go all out against the criminals and ensure they are brought to justice.

“Anambra will win against the forces of darkness”, urging people of the State to brace up for the all out war against the criminals.

Anambra State has been seriously under attack in the last few months, by criminal elements who have killed dozens of innocent citizens as well as destroyed government critical infrastructures valued several billions of nairawp_posts

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Posted by on May 22 2022. Filed under Anambra, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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