Home » Headlines » “Herbert Wigwe gave my family accommodation when I was dethroned as Emir of Kano” — Sanusi

“Herbert Wigwe gave my family accommodation when I was dethroned as Emir of Kano” — Sanusi

By David Onna

The former Emir of Kano, Alhaji Lamido Sanusi II, has revealed how the late former Group Chief Executive Officer of Access Holdings Plc, Herbert Wigwe assisted him and his family when he was dethroned as Emir of Kano.

Sanusi who was paying tribute to late Wigwe on Wednesday also stated that the late Access Bank CEO and his partner Aig Imoukhuede, were crucial to his success during his five-year service at the Central Bank of Nigeria as governor.

Addressing the crowd, Sanusi said, “I was thinking I would die and leave Herbert. We have all heard about him, about his loyalty,” Sanusi said in an emotionally laden voice.

“When I had problems in Kano, I called him about 6 months before I was told to leave Kano. I said to him, ‘Herbert I know you’re doing all your best to solve all these problems, but I’m convinced that this is what is going to happen.

“He said to me, ‘Your Highness, don’t worry. Whatever happens, don’t worry. We are here for you.’ On the day I heard on the radio that I was dethroned, I called him and said I wanted to come to Lagos.

“The announcement was made about 9 am, by noon Herbert had a plane at the tarmac in Kano. The plan then was to take me into exile for many years. I put my family on that plane and sent them to Lagos, with no phone calls. Herbert received them and put them in a hotel.

“Later, he got them accommodation. For months, when I came, they stayed there. Your Highness, if you want to travel, just call Shola.”

He also narrated how the pair helped resolve a serious challenge in the banking sector at the time.


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Posted by on Mar 8 2024. Filed under Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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