Home » Headlines » Househelp stabs boss to death at 29, Kiniun-Ifa Street, Sawmill, Lagos, 7 days after securing the job

Househelp stabs boss to death at 29, Kiniun-Ifa Street, Sawmill, Lagos, 7 days after securing the job

29, Kiniun-Ifa Street, Sawmill, Lagos, on Google Earth

By Efe Onodjae, LAGOS

Tragedy struck in the Gbagada area of Lagos after a yet-to-be-identified woman was stabbed to death by her house help, in her apartment on 29, Kiniun-Ifa Street, Sawmill.

It was not clear when the fleeing house help, identified simply as Peter, allegedly committed the murder.

But the lifeless body of the woman, according to information gathered, was discovered on March 9, 2024, by her son, who came to visit.

When this reporter visited the building yesterday, it was under lock and key. The deceased was said to be the only occupant in the building. There are three shops in front of the building.

A resident in the area, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said: “The woman’s son, upon arriving at the compound, went straight to his mother’s apartment only to find her lifeless body on the staircase, with blood all over.

“A long piece of wood suspected to be the murder weapon was also found. By then, the body has started swelling, suggesting that the woman might have been killed days before.”

Vanguard also gathered that the fleeing house help resumed work a week before the tragedy occurred.

It was further gathered that a relative of the agent that brought the fleeing househelp had been arrested as the unidentified agent was nowhere to be found.

Efforts to speak with the deceased son failed as he was too devastated to speak.

Policemen at the Ifako Police division were said to have visited the scene and evacuated the corpse.

When this reporter visited the division, the Divisional Police Officer, DPO, Owolabi Sefunmi, referred him to the Lagos State Police Command’s spokesman.

However, when the Lagos State Public Relations Officer, Benjamin Hundeyin was contacted, he stated that the househelp had been arrested and transferred to the State Criminal Investigation Department, SCIID, Panti, for investigation.


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