Home » Sex and Relationship, Headlines » I want 35 children, says 26-year-old Benue man who married 3 wives same day

I want 35 children, says 26-year-old Benue man who married 3 wives same day

By afolabi

Twenty-six-year-old Benue man, Tersugh Aondona, says he would like to have thirty five children.

Aondona set social media agog and got tongues wagging when he married three woman on the same day on January 31, 2024.

Speaking on his matrimonial decision, Aondona stated that his ownership of a large farmland played a role in his decision to marry three wives at once.

My father motivated me to have many wives because he (his father) also has four wives, Aondona told Punch during an interview.

Aondona also disclosed that he planned to marry three more women, taking the number of wives to six.

He, however, said the three wives beseeched him to shelve the plan, adding that they promised to do whatever he asked of them and also abide by his matrimonial ground rules and regulations.

He said “I had planned to marry three more wives to make a total of six, but the three wives at home invited me to a meeting and pleaded with me not to marry another wife. They assured me that they would do whatever I needed them to do, and we came to an agreement and I aborted the plan.

They have been very helpful on the farm, and they are following my instructions without question. Because of this, I have no desire to marry another wife”

Aondona also said he would be pleased if he could have 35 children as he wanted his his family to have someone in every coveted, plum and lucrative profession.

“I don’t plan on having many children. If I have 35 children, I will be satisfied.

I want to have children in various professions, including lawyers, doctors, pastors, soldiers, police officers, farmers, and more. That’s the kind of family I aim to build” he saidHe also disclosed that feeding was not a problem for the family as they sourced for everything they ate on their farm.

He said “We don’t buy food at home; we produce everything we eat ourselves”



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Posted by on Mar 10 2024. Filed under Sex and Relationship, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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