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IGP Egbetokun orders police convoys to observe traffic regulations

Photos: Kayode Egbetokun Arrives Police Headquarters, Resumes As New IGP

By Olugbenga Ige

The acting Inspector General of Police, Olukayode Egbetokun, has directed all police convoys nationwide to observe traffic rules and regulations.

Naija News reports that Egbetokun gave the directive during a meeting with Squadron leaders and Tactical Commanders on Monday at the Force Headquarters in Abuja.

The new police chief asserted that the directive was in line with his vision of building a rule of law and a compliant Police Force, adding that he would be leading by example.

Egbetokun stressed that it is the duty of police officers to enforce the laws of the nation, and they must also respect and obey the laws guiding the nation before the citizens follow suit.

The IGP also warned senior officers and commanders that henceforth they will be held responsible for lack of supervision, whenever any of their men are found wanting.

He said: “Let me end this speech by reminding you that those who keep the peace must be the epitome of peace. Those whose duty it is to enforce the laws of the land must themselves respect and obey the laws of the land. Without obeying the laws, the Police lack the moral high ground to interrogate and bring lawbreakers to book.

“Consequently, in line with my vision of building a rule of law compliant Police Force, it is my directive that henceforth all police convoys on routine, non-emergency movement, must obey traffic lights and other traffic rules, I pledge to lead by example in this regard. As you will be returning to your various bases, I wish you a safe journey and please be assured of my best wishes always.”


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Posted by on Jun 28 2023. Filed under General Politics, Latest Politics, National Politics, Nigerian Police, Top Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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