Home » Army, Armed Forces, Headlines, Imo, State News » Imo hotel owner, military personnel torture staff to death over missing phone

Imo hotel owner, military personnel torture staff to death over missing phone

By Promise Eze

A hotel owner and a military personnel are accused of torturing Ebuka Nwaneri to death over a missing phone in Umulogho community, Obowo LGA, Imo state.

Nwaneri, a hotel staff, was allegedly accused of stealing the phone of the military personnel who was a guest at the facility.

Reportedly, Nwaneri was tortured and confined in the hotel’s powerhouse where he later passed away.

The incident has sparked a protest in the community, with youths demanding justice for Nwaneri.

Angry youths have threatened to demolish the hotel unless those responsible for Nwaneri’s death are apprehended.

Henry Okoye, police spokesperson in Imo, confirmed that the matter is under investigation.

“Aboki Danjuma, commissioner of police has directed the command’s complaint response unit (CRU) domicile under the office of the PPRO to carry out a comprehensive investigation into this allegation and ensure that justice is served,” Okoye said in a statement.

“Consequently, the victim is encouraged to contact the office of the command’s public relations department via 08148024755 and assist in identifying the alleged officers.

“The Command under the leadership of CP Aboki Danjuma is highly committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and accountability while discharging its lawful duties and will not condone any form of extortion or unprofessionalism by any of its personnel.”

The police have also arrested some youths as a result of the protest.

In a statement, Chinagorom Cyriacus, president of the Umulogho Youth Assembly, called for peace while assuring that those arrested would be released.



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Posted by on Apr 8 2024. Filed under Army, Armed Forces, Headlines, Imo, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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