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Imo State University (IMSU), Owerri, suspends lecturer for assaulting pregnant student

Imo State University (IMSU), Owerri, suspends lecturer for assaulting pregnant student

By Collins Osuji, Owerri

The management of Imo State University (IMSU), Owerri, has announced the immediate suspension of Dr. Desmond Izunwanne, a lecturer in the institution for assaulting a pregnant student.

Spokesperson for the institution, Dr. Ralf Njoku-Obi, who spoke to The Guardian, said a three-man committee, headed by Prof. Chinyere Ukaga has been set up to investigate the matter properly and sanction the lecturer appropriately.

He reiterated that the University under the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Uchefula Chukwumaeze (SAN), remained committed to the fight against all forms of victimisation, assault, misconduct and corruption.

Njoku-Obi said: “The university under the leadership of the current Vice Chancellor, Prof. Uchefula Chukwumaeze will never compromise on our stand against all forms of misconduct on either the side of the lecturers or students.

“We are not leaving any chance in our resolve to sanitise this university, so that it will be a place where students can learn comfortably.”

Recall that in a viral video, Izunwanne of the Department Physiology in the faculty of Basic Medicine, but teaches Medical Laboratory students, was seen slapping a student, identified as Ukamaka for attending his lecture in a mufti instead of the departmental uniform.

During the incident, which occurred last Friday at the departmental lecture hall, the lecturer after slapping the sick, newly married pregnant student, also ordered her to kneel down for about 30 minutes.

According to reports, the student was feeling unwell and had explained to Dr. Izunwanne that she had visited the hospital just before arriving for his class, but the lecturer allegedly ignored her explanation and proceeded to assault her.



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Posted by on May 4 2023. Filed under Headlines, Imo, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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