Home » Headlines, Soccer, Sports » Islamic fans attack Liverpool and Egyptian winger, Mohamed Salah, online, over Christmas message

Islamic fans attack Liverpool and Egyptian winger, Mohamed Salah, online, over Christmas message


By Ernest Victor

Liverpool and Egyptian winger, Mohamed Salah, was subjected to a series of attacks from some Islamic fans who didn’t like his idea of always marking Christmas celebrations on his official Instagram page.

Mohamed Salah has virtually made it a culture to always make a post celebrating Christmas, a move that some part of his fan base, who are predominantly Muslims, are not interested in.

Unlike last year, when he shared a picture of himself and his family posing in front of a Christmas tree wearing matching pyjamas, Salah decided to share a lit Christmas tree on his social media page to mark the special day.

In the caption, the 31-year-old Egyptian winger wrote: “Christmas is a time when families get together and celebrate.”

”With the brutal war going on in the Middle East, especially the death and destruction in Gaza, this year we get to Christmas with very heavy hearts, and we share the pain of those families who are grieving the loss of their loved ones.”

“Please do not forget them and do not get used to their suffering. Merry Christmas.”


Islamic Fans Attack Mohammed Salah Online Over Christmas Message


Since Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the foundation of the Christian faith, some of Salah’s fans stormed the comments section to attack the Liverpool winger, despite using the caption of his controversial post to preach peace.

Just like last year, a fan described Mohamed Salah’s Christmas post as “embarrassing”, while other fans reminded the prolific winger that he is a “Muslim”.


A fan warned the Egyptian to delete the post, which has attracted 1,345,390 likes at the time of writing, or risk unfollowing the footballer.


Another fan simply declared Salah as a disappointment to the “Muslim world” while another fan commented: ‘‘This is so uncouth, Salah, you are Muslim, not Christian. Our Christmas is in April, shame on you, brother.”


A fan who claimed to be an Arsenal fan wrote: ”Mo Salah, I loved you as an Arsenal fan. I viewed you as an excellent player, and you always inspired me.”


”However, after this tweet, I can no longer view you as my role model. You disappointed me. If you don’t delete this tweet, I will have to unfollow you.”

Note that Mohamed Salah has scored 16 goals and provided eight assists in 25 games in all competitions so far this season. He will be in action when Liverpool take on Burnley at Turf Moor by 6:30 p.m. on December 28.

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Posted by on Dec 27 2023. Filed under Headlines, Soccer, Sports. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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