Home » Headlines » I’ve no apologies for suddenly supporting Tinubu’s administration – Atiku’s spokesman, Bwala

I’ve no apologies for suddenly supporting Tinubu’s administration – Atiku’s spokesman, Bwala


By Johnbosco Agbakwuru


ABUJA — THE spokesman of Atiku Abubakar’s presidential campaign in the 2023 elections, Daniel Bwala on Wednesday evening said he has no apologies to anyone in his commitment to supporting President Bola Tinubu’s administration. The legal practitioner, who made the declaration after meeting with President Tinubu at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, also said also said if supporting the President will cause him to join the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), he would not mind.


Speaking to State House correspondents after the meeting with the President, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, member, commended President Tinubu’s style of governance since he assumed office.


He lauded him for many of the steps he has taken since including the recent sanctioning of errant public officers, as well as the decision to yield to public pressure on cutting cost of governance.


He further disclosed that President Tinubu, in the conversation they had, told him that Nigerians will see more reduction in the cost of governance soon.

According to him, “Some of his Ministers that were allegedly reported to have committed infractions, instead of protecting them, he asked that the law should have its own course and suspended somebody without wasting time. That to me is impressive because it’s about the people.


“Secondly, there has been this outcry that the government is bloated and the rest, yesterday he introduced a policy that reduced the cost of governance and today he told me it is just the beginning. There are many more decisions of government that will reduce the cost of governance.

“What have we been talking about as citizens, if you don’t have personal grudge against someone, if it is a policy issue. When policies are going correctly…and what I’m saying apart from today that I’m talking here, you all need to visit my Twitter page. In the last few days, I have been expressing my surprise and appreciation to the President for the decisions he is taking.


“So this is not about political party and you need to know that like I said, I was with him before I left and I was doggedly committed to him. I told him today, I am committing to play my part to support your administration, and I have no apologies to anybody”, he said.


Asked if he was back to the ruling APC, Bwala said “APC is a party. President Bola Tinubu is my motivation, if supporting him will take me to APC so be it”.


Recall that while speaking as a guest on the Channels Television current affairs programme, Politics Today on January 2, 2024, Bwala, had noted that the opposition political parties must form a strong coalition if they would successfully wrestle power from the governing APC in the 2027 general elections.

During the programme, he said without a coalition of opposition parties, President Tinubu would spend eight years in office.


“Without a coalition of political parties, Tinubu is going to spend the next eight years. That one is for sure. The truth of the matter is that there will be a coalition of political parties that will be very strong.

“This is a fact that I know. The coalition that is coming will swallow some of the elements that are creating the problems in the various political parties,” he had said.

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Posted by on Jan 11 2024. Filed under Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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