Home » Elections 2011, Latest Politics » Jonathan promises Fairness in sharing of N5. 7B election violence funds to victims

Jonathan promises Fairness in sharing of N5. 7B election violence funds to victims

President Goodluck Jonathan has promised that the Federal
Government will closely monitor the disbursement of the N5.7
billion which it recently approved for victims of the 2011 post-
election violence in nine states to ensure fairness and equity.

Speaking at a meeting with leaders and representatives of the
Middle Belt Forum, President Jonathan said that the Federal
Government will do all within its powers to ensure that the
money goes to real victims of the violence.

Responding to concerns raised by the delegation, the
President said that although disbursements were already being
made based on the recommendations of the various
committees that examined claims for compensation, his
administration will keep a close eye on the matter with a view to
correcting any errors or omissions.

President Jonathan said that his administration will continue to
work with the leadership of the Middle Belt Forum and other
Nigerians to improve the living conditions of all citizens of the

“The Middle Belt has a key role to play in Nigeria. You have
played a crucial role in keeping us united. I urge you to
continue in that spirit,” he told members of the forum who were
led by Chief Solomon Lar, Prof. Jerry Gana and Governor
Jonah Jang.

Thanking the forum and the people of the Middle Belt for their
support for his election in 2011, President Jonathan assured
them that his administration will continue to work untiringly to
justify their confidence in his leadership.

“We believe that God willing, we will make a very positive impact
on the lives of the people of the Middle Belt to show you our
appreciation,” he told the delegation which included several
notable figures from the Middle Belt such as General Zamani
Lekwot, General Joshua Dogonyaro, General Atom Kpera,
Chief Fidelis Tapgun, Senator Ibrahim Mantu, Senator
Jonathan Zwingina, Senator Ameh Ebute, Senator Joshua
Dariye, Rev. Jolly Nyame, General Ishaya Bamaiyi, Dr. Bala
Takaya, Ambassador Dan Suleiman, Hon. Margaret Ichei and
Joe Gadzama.

The Forum pledged its continued support for the Jonathan
Administration and asked for greater federal government
support for development in the zone especially in the areas of
water resources and solid minerals.

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Posted by on Jul 2 2013. Filed under Elections 2011, Latest Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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