Home » Headlines, Soccer, Sports » Kylian Mbappe in three days tour in Cameroon

Kylian Mbappe in three days tour in Cameroon

By Ernest Victor

French football star Kylian Mbappe arrived in Cameroon on Thursday to jubilant fans. He will visit his father’s village and the school for deaf children while in the country.

Mbappe, 24, was met by hundreds of admirers, many of whom were wearing Paris Saint-Germain’s jerseys as he commenced his three days stay in Cameroon on Thursday, July 6.

A troupe of roughly 100 traditional dancers performed in his honor. Afterward, the police escorted him off in an SUV with tinted windows as the footballer waved to the crowd.

Kylian Mbappe is expected to stay in the hotel complex run by the Yaounde-based family of former French tennis champion Yannick Noah.

The France national team captain and Joakim Noah, a former NBA player, are expected to play in a basketball game. Later, they will participate in a match against second-tier FC Vent d’Etoudi of Cameroon.

Mbappe will then visit a school in Douala, the financial hub of the country, on Saturday before heading to Djebale, the village where his father Wilfried Mbappe was born.

His father left the village for France when he was a young man. While in France, he worked as a football coach and developed Mbappe’s football career.

Mbappe will get the opportunity to visit two schools in Yaounde and Douala that are funded by his charitable foundation, Inspired by KM.

The French footballer will also meet with many government officials, including Prime Minister Joseph Dion Ngute, to discuss initiatives he wants to launch in Cameroon, according to a statement from his management team.


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Posted by on Jul 8 2023. Filed under Headlines, Soccer, Sports. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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