Home » Edo, Headlines, State News » Lady’s corpse found in traditional ruler’s SUV

Lady’s corpse found in traditional ruler’s SUV

By Michael Egbejule, Benin City and Nnamdi Akpa, Abakaliki

• Police kill younger sister of Sun Reporter in Ebonyi

There was pandemonium yesterday on the premises of Edo Specialist Hospital on Sapele Road in Benin City, when a young lady’s corpse was locked in a Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) allegedly owned by a traditional ruler (names withheld).

The development threw family members of the 27- year old lady, identified as Faith Aigbe, and other sympathisers into mourning

Family members of the deceased waited in anguish as her body was locked inside the tinted metallic SUV.

According to family members Mrs. Janet Asemota and Mercy Eddy, Faith was allegedly brought to the health facility by the traditional ruler.

They said on the discovery that she was dead, the traditional ruler allegedly locked her body in the tinted Lexus SUV and escaped.

A close friend of the deceased, and other family members wept uncontrollably as they demanded justice.

Police Officers from Aideyan Division moved to the scene and towed the vehicle with the body.

The situation created traffic gridlock on Sapele road as more sympathisers trooped to the scene.

MEANWHILE, Police in Ebonyi State yesterday killed a middle-aged lady (names withheld) in Onicha Local Government Area of the state.

The victim, the younger sister to thestate’s Sun Newspapers reporter, was shot in Enuagu Onicha Igboeze village while selling fruits at a junction.

It was gathered that the victim, who received first aid treatment before being rushed to Alex Ekwueme Federal Teaching Hospital, Abakaliki (FETHA), died around Amuwusa Quarters Enroute Abakaliki.

Theladydied inside the car of the Sun Reporter in Abakaliki.

An eyewitness said: “Policemen came to my village, Enuagu Onicha Igboeze in Onicha Local Government Area of Ebonyi State today, 8/9/2021 to harass residents.

“In the milieu, they shot and killed my younger sister who was selling fruits at the junction. She died in my car at Awusa Quarters while moving her from the village to Abakaliki.”

The State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Loveth Odah, said the killing was very sad and unacceptable.

She urged the Sun reporter, Chijioke Agwu, to take heart.

She said: “I have informed the police authority of your complaint and we are seriously on it to unravel the team that exhibited this unprofessional conduct if they are actually police officers”.

Colleagues from the Correspondents Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ, Ebonyi State, also commiserated with the reporter on his sister’s death.



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Posted by on Sep 11 2021. Filed under Edo, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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