Home » Legislature, National Politics, Senate » Lagos Court sentences serving Nigerian senator to 7 years for money laundering

Lagos Court sentences serving Nigerian senator to 7 years for money laundering


By afolabi

Appeal court in Lagos State has sentenced senator representing Delta North Senatorial District at the National Assembly, Senator Peter Nwaoboshi, to 7 years imprisonment.

The appellate court sentenced Nwaoboshi on Friday.

The Court also ordered that his two companies be wound up in line with the provisions of Section 22 of the Money Laundering Prohibition Act 2021.

The Appellate Court’s ruling followed the success of the appeal by challenging the judgment of Justice Chukwujekwu Aneke of the Federal High Court which on June 18, 2021 2018 discharged and acquitted the defendants of a two count charge of fraud and money laundering.

EFCC had arraigned the three defendants over the acquisition of a property named Guinea House, Marine Road, in Apapa, Lagos, for N805 million.

Part of the money paid to the vendor, precisely a sum of N322 million transferred by Suiming Electrical Ltd on behalf of Nwaoboshi and Golden Touch Construction Project Ltd, was alleged to be part of the proceeds of fraud.

But in his judgment, Justice Aneke held that the prosecution failed to call vital witnesses and tender concrete evidence to prove the elements of the offences for which it charged the defendants.

Justice Aneke said the evidence of PW2 “proved that the third defendant obtained a loan of N1.2 billion from Zenith Bank for purchase of additional equipment and as the provision of working capital.

“It also proved that the loan of N1.2 billion together with interest of N24 million was properly granted to the third. Nothing else was proved by the complainant or prosecutor in this case,” the judge said.

He claimed a fatal blow was dealt the case of the prosecution by its failure to call officials of Sterling Bank “to testify and probably tender exhibits F and F10”.

Consequently, he discharged and acquitted the defendants.

However, ruling on the EFCC’s appeal today, the Court of Appeal held that the trial judge erred in dismissing the charges against the respondents. It said the prosecution had proved the ingredients of the offence and consequently found the defendants guilty as charged.


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Posted by on Jul 1 2022. Filed under Legislature, National Politics, Senate. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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