Home » Anambra, Headlines, State News » Landlords don’t rent houses to us anymore in Anambra – Miyetti Allah (We wonder why)

Landlords don’t rent houses to us anymore in Anambra – Miyetti Allah (We wonder why)

By afolabi

Members of the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN) in Anambra state have bemoaned the hostility towards its members in some parts of the south eastern state

Leader of MACBAN in South East, Alahaji Gidado Siddiki, disclosed this to journalists after attending Governor Charles Soludo’s one-year Anniversary in office.

The event which held in Akwa, the state capital, had many dignitaries in attendance.

Siddiki cited Anaku, Umueje, Omor, Igbakwu, Omasi, Umumbo, Umuerum and Ifite-Ogwari all in Ayamelum local government council of the areas of the state as places where MACBAN members have been denied accommodation.

He implored the governor to urgently intervene for the sake of peace and oneness.

Siddiki said his members have a cordial relationship with the indigenes in spite of “some cases of misunderstanding”.

“Our interest in the areas was purely economic. No herder was interested in contesting the ownership of land with members of their host communities across the state.

“We commended the Police and DSS for their prompt responses whenever there is a conflict between our members and our host communities in the state.”

The MACBAN leader, however, said much still needed to be done to ensure that law-abiding citizens, including herders, were free to carry out their businesses without hindrances in the state.

According to him, as cattle breeders they are asking for a secure environment to do their grazing business.

“We are ready to support our host communities in any capacity they want us to, in order to make life meaningful for everyone and to sustain the already peaceful co-existence in the areas” Siddiki added.


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Posted by on Mar 26 2023. Filed under Anambra, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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