Home » Africa & World Politics » Leadership crisis disrupts Assemblies of God Church parish in Ghana

Leadership crisis disrupts Assemblies of God Church parish in Ghana

A protest started at the Assemblies of God Church, Jesus Power parish, Ashanti-West Region, Ghana because of the dismissal of seven leaders of the local assembly.

The Regional Superintendent, Stephen Yaw Manu, stated that the crisis started over the appointment of a new presiding pastor for the parish.

The dismissed members include Charles Addai, Godfred Kwarkye, Bismark Agyemang Siaw, and Peter Owusu. Other affected members are Baffour Akoto, Collins Kwarteng, and Andrew Sarpong.

In an official statement by the Regional Superintendent of the church, Stephen Yaw Manu said ” This has become necessary due to the gross subordination and indiscipline towards the leadership of Kwadoso District and the Ashanti West Region in spite of several attempts to reason with them. They are ineligible to worship with any local assembly of the church until further notice.”

The Regional Superintendent has also enjoined all official documents and missionary properties in their custody to be brought back immediately.

One of the dismissed members, Deacon Collins Fosu Kwarteng, spoke to Akoma FM saying that he and other members were being persecuted for rejecting the appointment of a new resident pastor. According to him,  they preferred a different clergyman against the one imposed on them.

“They are imposing a new resident pastor on us and we as the local members, who will be footing bills and paying salaries of the new pastor, prefer a different person from the one they imposed on us, so they have tagged us as disrespectful hence our dismissal.”wp_posts

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Posted by on Dec 23 2021. Filed under Africa & World Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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