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List of beautiful places you can visit in Nigeria

List of beautiful places you can visit in Nigeria

By Enioluwa Adeniyi

Nigeria, a gem in West Africa, is home to an array of stunning locations that not only draw tourists from around the globe but also serve as significant sources of income for the government.

These beautiful spots, ranging from breathtaking natural landscapes to historical and cultural landmarks, have become prime choices for holidays, honeymoons, and various forms of leisure and exploration.

The allure of Nigeria’s tourist attractions lies in their diversity. From the serene beaches of Lagos to the picturesque hills of Jos and the enchanting waterfalls in Enugu, the country offers a plethora of experiences for every type of traveller.

Additionally, Nigeria’s rich cultural heritage is showcased through historical sites such as the ancient Kano City Walls and the Ogbunike Caves, providing insights into the nation’s past and traditions.

Here are some of the most beautiful places to visit in Nigeria:

1. Obudu Mountain Resort

Located in Cross River State, Obudu Mountain Resort, also known as Obudu Cattle Ranch, is a paradise for nature lovers.

It’s situated on the Obudu Plateau, with a climate that varies from the typical Nigerian weather.

The resort offers beautiful landscapes, a cable car system, waterfalls, and a conservation center. The breathtaking views from the cable cars and serene environment make it an ideal spot for relaxation and adventure.

2. Yankari National Park

Situated in Bauchi State, Yankari National Park is one of Nigeria’s most renowned national parks, famous for its wildlife and warm springs, particularly the Wikki Warm Springs.

The park is home to various animals, including elephants, lions, baboons, and various antelopes. Yankari also offers opportunities for wildlife viewing, bird watching, and relaxing in the warm springs.

3. Zuma Rock

Located in Niger State, just north of Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, Zuma Rock is a magnificent natural monolith towering over the landscape.

It stands at about 725 meters above its surroundings. Zuma Rock is often referred to as the “Gateway to Abuja” and has become an iconic symbol of Nigeria’s natural beauty.

4. Lekki Conservation Centre

The Lekki Conservation Centre, located in Lagos State, is a biodiversity conservation and environmental education center.

One of its most famous features is the longest canopy walkway in Africa. The center offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of Lagos city, with opportunities to see various species of flora and fauna.

5. Olumo Rock

Situated in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Olumo Rock is one of Nigeria’s most popular tourist destinations.

It has a rich history as a fortress for the Egba people in the early 19th century. Visitors can explore the caves, climb the rock to enjoy panoramic views of Abeokuta, and learn about the local history and culture.

6. Idanre Hills

Located in Ondo State, the Idanre Hills are a UNESCO World Heritage Site candidate, consisting of high plains surrounded by rugged hills.

The ancient town of Idanre is situated on some of these hills. It is rich in cultural significance and offers breathtaking views, making it a hiker’s delight.

7. Ikogosi Warm Springs

The Ikogosi Warm Springs in Ekiti State are a natural phenomenon where warm and cold springs flow side by side and meet at a confluence, each maintaining its thermal properties.

The resort around the springs provides a serene environment for relaxation amidst nature.


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