Home » Africa & World Politics » Malawian university revokes woman’s degree after she set certificate ablaze in viral video

Malawian university revokes woman’s degree after she set certificate ablaze in viral video

Malawian university revokes woman’s degree after she set certificate ablaze in viral video

By Adekunle Dada

Exploits University in Lilongwe, Malawi, has revoked a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration awarded to its alumnae, Bridget Thapwile Soko, for setting her certificate on fire in frustration for being an unemployed graduate.

According to Nyasa Times, Soko burnt her certificate and uploaded the incident on Instagram which made the institution respond by completely nullifying her academic achievement.

In the video, the woman said the degree was of no use to her as she had failed to secure a job with it hence her move to set it on fire.

However, the institution has issued a statement condemning her actions and sent her a letter revoking the degree.

The president of Exploits University, Desmond W. Bikoko, in a letter titled ‘Revocation of Degree’ said Soko’s action dented the image of the institution.

“We have learnt with disappointment that you recorded a video clip burning a degree that we awarded to you upon completion of your studies with Exploits University and posted on social media.

“It is our interpretation that you did this to disgrace and tarnish the image of the university. “The university is therefore revoking the degree of business administration awarded to you. Our decision will also be made public through the media.

“Consequently, you are no longer a graduate of Exploits University and as such your degree certificate is invalidated with immediate effect,” the letter read.


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Posted by on Oct 29 2022. Filed under Africa & World Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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