Home » Africa & World Politics » Man faints in shock as wife surprises him with completed house she secretly built

Man faints in shock as wife surprises him with completed house she secretly built

Man faints in shock as wife surprises him with completed house she secretly built

By Akinwande Idowu

A man identified as Uasin Gishu from Moiben, Kenya, was left in shock and disbelief when his hardworking wife, Florida Yator, presented him with a fully constructed 3-bedroom house along with the title deed, causing him to faint from sheer astonishment.

The astonishing incident, which has since gone viral on social media, took place on a seemingly ordinary day when Florida Yator decided to surprise her husband in the most extraordinary way possible.

Her husband, whose identity remains anonymous, was completely taken aback by the unexpected and thoughtful gesture.

Florida Yator’s sister, Mercy Chelagat, shared the heartwarming story on social media, expressing her admiration for her sister’s act of love and describing it as “relationship goals.”

Mercy’s post quickly garnered attention, spreading like wildfire across various social media platforms.

“He had to seek medical attention after being in shock because the Madam surprised him with a 3-bedroom house with the title deed in his name. Relationship Goals. Women can do it too. Congratulations Florida Yator from Moiben,” Mercy Chelagat wrote.

Speaking exclusively to TUKO.co.ke, Mercy disclosed that her sister, Florida Yator, is a successful businesswoman known for her hard work and determination.

Netizens Reactions…

@Chepkemoi Eleaner said; “Hahahaaaa…… okay.”

@Langat H Chelangat said; “Everyone needs a Florida.”

@Mina Chepkemoi said; “Did I read in his name? Why not hers?”

@Humprey Colloh Mtukuya said; “To my future soulmate, hope you are reading this.”

@CK Ngeno said; “She should leave him and come to me. Nakuanga strong.

@Kipkoech Sitiene said; “My madam I hope you’ re seeing this.”

@Judy Ngeno Janeth said; “Was fainting really necessary? That man loves drama.”

@Koromicha Richard said; “If that man can faint over a house, what if he sees a lion chasing him in a dream?”


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Posted by on Sep 18 2023. Filed under Africa & World Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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