Home » Headlines, Plateau, State News » Man, Matthew Samuel, brutally kills wife, 23, in Jos, Plateau State, disappears with her phone

Man, Matthew Samuel, brutally kills wife, 23, in Jos, Plateau State, disappears with her phone

Man, Matthew Samuel, brutally kills wife, 23, in Jos, Plateau State, disappears with her phone

Mercy Samuel killed by her husband in Jos

Matthew Samuel husband of a 23-year-old woman has disappeared in Jos after brutally killing her and stealing her phone.

His victim has been identified as Mercy Samuel. Both have two kids together.

Matthew, showing no mercy, reportedly ripped open her stomach and cut the intestines during a disagreement last weekend.

After he disemboweled his wife, Mr. Samuel fled with her phone so she could not call for help.

She was discovered on Monday and taken to Bingham University Teaching Hospital, Jos, where she died on Wednesday.

The woman lived with the husband along the Vom Road in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State, the Vanguard reported.

The State Project Officer, Women’s Right Advancement and Protection Alternative, WRAPA, Jummai Madaki, asked all people of goodwill to rise and ensure justice for the deceased.

“There had been some violence against her in the past, as confirmed by her family but the husband’s family denied any violence.

“The man ripped open her tummy, removed her intestine and cut it before he disappeared with her phone, so she could not call for help.

“They live in a small apartment, so I wonder why no one heard her scream. We were told help did not come until the early hours of Monday, when she was rushed to the hospital and was placed on oxygen.

“An informant called my attention to the incident and we raise the alarm. Surprisingly, the matter was not reported to the Police.

“We were told by her parents that even as recent as last year, she was home due to some issues but the husband’s people came to beg and she went back.”

-PM Newswp_posts

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Posted by on Apr 21 2022. Filed under Headlines, Plateau, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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