Home » Anambra, Headlines, State News » Man who came home for Christmas found dead inside his car in Anambra

Man who came home for Christmas found dead inside his car in Anambra

Man who came home for Christmas found dead inside his car in Anambra

By Adejayan Gbenga Gsong

A 50-year-old man identified as Udoka Eze, who visited home for the Christmas holiday has been killed in Nawfija community in Anambra State.

According to eyewitnesses, the man was found dead in his red Toyota Camry car along Umunze road on January 4. In a video shared online, a resident said the man recently returned home for Christmas and was killed by unknown persons.

The spokesperson of the state police command, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, who confirmed the incident, said the vehicle was found along Umunze road, and that the d€ceased has been taken to the morgue, after a doctor pronounced him dead.

“Today 04/1/2023, police recovered an abandoned red Toyota Camry vehicle with reg No AGL 525 GA found along Umunze road.

“Immediate search was conducted in the vehicle, and the lifeless body of a young man with marks of violence and with suspected gunshot injury was found in the car.

“Further inquiries made revealed that the victim is one Mr. Udoka Eze ‘M’ aged 50yrs from Iyiafor Village, Owerezukala. He was confirmed dead by a doctor when taken to the hospital and the body has been deposited at the morgue. Investigation has since commenced.

“The Command wants to use this opportunity to call on the witnesses of this incident to come forward with information that will assist in the ongoing investigation and patrols have been intensified in the area.” he said


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Posted by on Jan 5 2023. Filed under Anambra, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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