Home » Aviation, Headlines, Niger, State News » Minna Airport renamed after Tinubu as he visits Niger State on Monday

Minna Airport renamed after Tinubu as he visits Niger State on Monday

Minna Airport renamed after Tinubu as he visits Niger State on Monday


By Abdullahi Egba

Briefing journalists in Minna on Sunday, the State Commissioner of Information and Strategy, Hon. Binta Mamman, said arrangements have been concluded by the government to ensure a smooth visit of the President.

The Minna International Airport named after Abubakar Iman will now be renamed after President Tinubu, the commissioner said.

She said President Tinubu is to visit the state to commission agricultural equipment worth billions of naira procured by the state government in the state among others in the state.

According to her, all necessary measures have been put in place to ensure a hitch-free visit of the President.

The Commissioner noted that other projects to be commissioned include the remodelled terminal airport, to lay the foundation for Hajji terminal at the airport respectively.

On his part, the Commissioner for Agriculture, Bawa Bosso reiterated the commitment of the present administration of Governor Umaru Bago to ensuring food security in the country hence the agricultural mechanization flag-off.

He said the governor has provided 500 tractors out of 10,000, while 200 power tillers are on the ground out of 1,000 target.

However, the planters are yet to arrive as they were all stationed at the Minna airport ready for the commissioning slated for Monday.

Meanwhile, the Special Adviser on Governance and Reform, Isah Adamu, said the President will also commission the symbolic commissioning of agricultural equipment procured as well as the foundation laying of the Hajj terminal at the airport before the President returns to Abuja.


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Posted by on Mar 10 2024. Filed under Aviation, Headlines, Niger, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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