Home » Governors, Headlines, Kaduna, State News » Naira redesign against Tinubu, they’re planning military rule – El-Rufai (So now he can’t bribe voters anymore that is why he is the most affected)

Naira redesign against Tinubu, they’re planning military rule – El-Rufai (So now he can’t bribe voters anymore that is why he is the most affected)

Naira redesign against Tinubu, they’re planning military rule – El-Rufai

By Wale Odunsi

Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State has stated that the naira redesign was done by persons fighting All Progressives Congress, APC, presidential candidate Bola Tinubu.

The Kaduna helmsman made the declaration in a speech to the people of the state on Thursday.

El-Rufai noted that the policy was conceived and sold to President Muhammadu Buhari by officials who lost out in the primaries.

The APC conducted its gubernatorial and presidential primaries on different days in June 2022.

El-Rufai said after Tinubu won “and did not pick one of them as his running mate”, the currency redesign policy was conceived to ensure “he is deprived of what they alleged is a humongous war chest.”

The governor further listed what the alleged planners also sought to achieve, including create a nationwide shortage of cash.

This, he said, would ensure citizens are incited to vote against APC candidates across the board resulting in massive losses for the party in all the elections.

El-Rufai said the cash crunch was planned along with the fuel shortage existing since September 2022 so that the 2023 elections “do not hold at all, leading to an Interim National Government to be led by a retired Army General”.

The former FCT minister added that the plot is to sustain the climate of shortage of fuel and food to cause “violence and breakdown of law and order that would provide a fertile foundation for a military take-over”.

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Posted by on Feb 18 2023. Filed under Governors, Headlines, Kaduna, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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