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Ngige’s 3rd child graduates from another Nigerian medical school

Ngige’s 3rd child graduates from another Nigerian medical school

By Victor Ahiuma-Young

There was jubilation weekend Abuja in the House of the Minister of Labour and Employment, Senator Chris Ngige as Andrew Ngige, the second son of the family graduated from the College of Medicine, University of Abuja.

This is the third successive graduation of Ngige’s children from different Nigerian medical schools within a period of 16 months.

Recall that in September last year, Senator Ngige’s first son, Dr Ralph Chunny Ngige graduated from the College of Medicine, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Amaku Awka, Anambra State.

About ten months later, his daughter, Marilyn, graduated from the College of Medicine, University of Lagos in July 2021.

Andrew who graduated from the UniAbuja Medical School on December 17, 2021, is the third Made-in-Nigeria doctor to be produced by Senator Ngige and his wife, Evelyn, both Nigerian trained medical doctors.

Reacting in a terse message on the social media, the former Anambra State Governor, showered praises on God for this favour on his family.

The two-time minister thanked all the teachers who contributed to the training of their children, both the medical and non-medical, praying God to reward them bountifully.

He said, “Dear Friends, good evening. My 2nd Son Andrew Nnamdi Ngige graduated today December 17th 2021 with an MB; BS degree from the College of Medicine University of Abuja .

“He will be the 3rd Medical Doctor child from myself and my wife Evelyn.

Please join us to praise and thank God Almighty for this favour and to also thank all their Teachers both Medical and non- Medical for assisting in the training of my “Made in Nigeria Doctors.” They graduated in quick succession bcos of the COVID-19 dislocation of the Academic calendar.

“Ralph graduated from the Medical School in Awka in September 2020. Marilyn graduated from the University of Lagos Medical School in July 2021 and now Andrew has graduated in December 2021 from UniAbuja.

“Please rejoice with us for the good Lord is faithful.”


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