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Nigeria becoming safer everyday – Lai Mohammed

Nigeria becoming safer everyday – Lai Mohammed

Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, said Nigeria is becoming safer every day with the string of successes being recorded in the fight against Boko Haram, ISWAP, bandits, and other criminal elements.

The minister stated this at a media briefing on Monday in Abuja.

He said the security forces had taken the battle to the bandits and put them on the run and their ranks are being decimated by the day.

“I am proud of our security forces, our men and women in uniform. Despite a myriad of security challenges, they are living up to the billing.

”As the terrorists and their camps are being decimated, thousands of terrorists and their families are surrendering in droves.

“The effectiveness of the security forces has been enhanced by the leadership provided by President Muhammadu Buhari and the unwavering commitment of the armed forces and its leadership,’’ he said.

The minister also attributed the successes to the procurement of modern platforms for the armed forces.

He said the modern platforms had gone a long way in raising the level of their operational readiness and efficiency, in addition to boosting their capabilities.

“Among others, the Nigerian Army has procured 160 MRAPS, 150 trucks, and 60 APCs to improve its equipment holding.

“This is in addition to the provision of accommodation for troops and the recruitment of over 10,000 personnel into the Army.

“The Nigerian Navy (NN), for its part, commissioned the FALCON EYE Maritime Domain Awareness Capability, the third locally-built Seaward Defense Boat, one helicopter, 4 inshore patrol boats, and 90 Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats,’’ he said.

Mohammed said over 1,500 personnel were recruited into the Navy during the year while the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) took delivery of 12 Super Tucanos and 3 JF-17 Thunder Fighter Aircraft and other platforms.

He said the Air Force used the platforms to conduct several air interdictions, provide close air support to ground troops and destroy several illegal structures and equipment belonging to terrorists, bandits, and other criminal elements.

The minister also commended the implementation of the community policing initiative which he said led to the training of 25,000 constabularies in several police colleges across the country.

He said the administration approved the review and upgrade of police personnel salaries by 20 percent and enhanced the duty tour allowance of police officers to boost their morale.

-PM Newswp_posts

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Posted by on Mar 30 2022. Filed under Latest Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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