Home » Arts/Culture & Entertainment, Headlines, Technology News » Nigerian-born American-trained Engineer, Rangtiem Hoomkwap, creates revolutionary online platform for global artists

Nigerian-born American-trained Engineer, Rangtiem Hoomkwap, creates revolutionary online platform for global artists

Rangtiem Hoomkwap

(NNP) Many artists struggle to be noticed on the global stage and sell their artwork. While these artists are talented like their counterparts in the developed countries, their location mostly in the global south or lack of resources prevents them from being noticed. Even some in the developed countries struggle to be noticed due to their background, ethnicity or race. But the creation and launching of a new online revolutionary platform, GlobalGeniuses, is poised to change this trend.

GlobalGeniuses is the brainchild of Nigerian-born and American-trained engineer Rangtiem Hoomkwap, a proud mother of two boys with an undying passion for art and creativity. At a younger age, Rangtiem came to a crossroad and had to decide between music school to express her art or go the traditional career route.

She reluctantly followed a career in engineering in the United States and gave up on her dream of becoming an artist due to lack of exposure, funding, and support in the art industries. Sadly, this is a common story among artists worldwide. Only a few manage to pursue art as a career. It is extremely challenging to get exposure as a new or emerging artist.

This is mainly because in order to be successful they need to make sales and without exposure, it’s hard to make sales. Most emerging artists aren’t making enough money, which makes paying for galleries and agents almost impossible.  Due to this reality, they do not have representation or aware of the modern tools and technology needed to advance their careers. Each of these problems is connected and compounds the other two.

This was where Rangtiem began to put her creative and engineering mind to work. She thought of a solution; what of if there was a platform that was intuitive, easy to use and focused solely on making genuine connections and collaborations between artists and those in the business of art? She dreamt of a digital art management hub that would help manage artists’ careers efficiently, effectively, and creatively.

In the midst of the pandemic in 2020, she took her big idea and brought it to fruition with the creation of the online platform known as GlobalGeniuses. Rangtiem notes that “GlobalGeniuses is a digital art platform that helps new and emerging artists who are struggling to gain exposure get the recognition and opportunities they deserve. To do this, the platform matches artists with the right tools and collaborations while helping them gain exposure through their Live Virtual Exhibitions.”

She continued, “Additionally, it matches art enthusiasts/collectors with artists they want to support and other art collectors for business. GlobalGeniuses is committed to prioritizing underrepresented artists including Black, other minorities, female, and disabled artists.” To learn more about this platform, visit the platform’s social media pages below.

Social media pages:

FB Page

FB Artists Community Group


Instagram: @global.geniuses



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Posted by on May 4 2022. Filed under Arts/Culture & Entertainment, Headlines, Technology News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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