Home » Headlines » Nigerian final year student dies 2-week after evacuation from Ukraine

Nigerian final year student dies 2-week after evacuation from Ukraine

The deceased, Uzaifa Halilu Modachi

By Musa Na Annabi, Sokoto

One of the 40 students evacuated to Sokoto from war-torn Ukraine has died, two weeks after returning to the country.

The student, late Uzaifa Halilu Modachi, was in the third year of his studies in Ukraine when Russian troops invaded the country.

According to the father of the deceased former Ukrainian student, Honourable Habibu Haliru Modachi, who is a serving member of the Sokoto State House of Assembly, late Uzaifa, was in Ukraine for three years without returning home for vacation.

When the war broke out in Ukraine, Sokoto state Government through the Nigerian Embassy in Ukraine arranged for the evacuation of its students, Huzaifa inclusive, only to return home and die two weeks after.

“Alhamdu Lilah, God gives and take away life, and that’s how he wanted it to happen, there is no doubt about it”, says the father, “had it been he died in Ukraine so many things would be said about him, that he was either killed by the Russian bombardment or had an accident or even accidentally shot and killed by the Ukrainian Army.”

“We are grateful to God for having him die before us, we also thank the Nigerian government particularly Sokoto state for taking a hasty decision to evacuate them before the full escalation of the War in Ukraine”.

Late Uzaifa was a final year student of Zaporizhzhia State Medical University Ukraine and was preparing for his final year examination which will qualify him to be a medical doctor when the unfortunate happen.

He has since been buried in Sokoto.


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Posted by on Mar 22 2022. Filed under Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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