Home » Africa & World Politics, Headlines » Nigerian man arrested in Mozambique 12 years after being declared wanted by Dutch police

Nigerian man arrested in Mozambique 12 years after being declared wanted by Dutch police

Nigerian man arrested in Mozambique 12 years after being declared wanted by Dutch police

By Adekunle Dada

A Nigerian national has been arrested in Mozambique 12 years after he was declared wanted by Dutch police for alleged drug trafficking.

Spokesperson of Mozambique’s National Criminal Investigation Service (Sernic) Hilario Lole, made this known in Maputo on Monday, November 7, 2022, said 53-year-old suspect, whom he did not name, has been wanted by the Dutch authorities since 2010 for being in possession of 23.4 kilos of cocaine.

The Dutch police, via Interpol, issued an international warrant for the arrest of the Nigerian suspect.

“Through Interpol, we received the international arrest warrant for this Nigerian.” said Lole.

“During the investigations in Nigeria, he escaped, and his whereabouts were unknown until he was detained in Maputo. The Mozambican authorities intercepted this citizen, and implemented the arrest warrant, which was in the possession of Sernic,”

Lole said that when he was detained, the Nigerian identified himself using documents which the Mozambican authorities believe are forgeries.

“The name on the documents he was carrying is not his real name,” said Lole.

Lole said the man will now be extradited to Nigeria, adding that the case is now following the normal extradition procedures.

Asked whether the Nigerian has been involved in other crimes, Lole said Sernic is working with Interpol to ascertain his criminal record.

“We hope to obtain clarification from the Nigerian police and from Interpol. This work will allow us to take subsequent procedures, if necessary,” he said.

The Nigerian national, however, denied all the accusations against him, and told reporters he does not know why he is under arrest.

“I don’t know why I’ve been detained”, he declared. “I’m not a drug trafficker. I’ve been in Mozambique since January of this year, but the alleged trafficker has been wanted since 2010. I came to Mozambique in search of new opportunities”


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Posted by on Nov 9 2022. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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