Home » Africa & World Politics, American Politics, Headlines » Nigerian pastor’s wife, Eunice Dwumfour, shot, 12 times, dead in front of her home in New Jersey

Nigerian pastor’s wife, Eunice Dwumfour, shot, 12 times, dead in front of her home in New Jersey

Nigerian pastor’s wife, Eunice Dwumfour, shot, 12 times, dead in front of her home in New Jersey

By Adekunle Dada

The wife of a Nigeria-based pastor and republican councilwoman, Eunice Dwumfour, has been shot dead in front of her home in New Jersey, United States of America.

According to the Foundation for Investigative Journalism, the 30-year-old Dwumfour, is the wife of a Nigeria-based pastor, Eze Kings.

New York Post reported that Dwumfour was hit with about 12 gunshots by a yet-to-be-identified assailant while driving around her home on Wednesday evening. The white Nissan SUV she drove crashed into two parked cars before coming to a stop.

A male witness, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told NY Post Thursday that Dwumfour’s car was hit with about 12 shots while traveling down Check Avenue toward Samuel Circle around 7:15 p.m.

The vehicle eventually came to a stop after crashing into two parked cars, including the witness’s black Lexus GS350.

Chilling Snapchat footage of the aftermath of the incident showed Dwumfour’s body in the car while first responders surround the scene.

The witness said, “It took a second before I realised there was a dead body behind the wheel.

“She was slumped over the wheel with a black hoodie with brown fur covering her head, her hands were down by her side. There was one bullet hole in the passenger door and a bunch of bullet holes in the driver door. Some other neighbors said they saw someone running away with a mask on.”

Some locals also told RLS Media that the gunman was spotted racing off to the Garden State Parkway, which edges the complex.

On Thursday afternoon, it was also gathered that 20 Sayreville police officers were spotted combing the sides of a Garden State Parkway exit ramp headed toward the Jon Bon Jovi Service Area.

Shortly after, investigators at the murder scene told reporters that Dwumfour was caught on video speaking to the shooter just moments before her death.

The Republican councilwoman — who preached for a Nigerian-based church group — appeared to be the intended target, authorities told the outlet, stressing that there was no obvious motive.

“I heard what sounded like a few shots going off,” dog groomer Kristen Glanforf, who lives on Check Avenue, told The Post of the scene.

“I dropped everything and started running for my apartment. There was a car rolled down to the end of the hill, lights on. The doors were open.”

Community organizer Charlie Kratovil posted video of her SUV being towed away from the scene, and called it “a huge loss for the Sayreville community.”

“I personally knew her to be a very kind person and public servant. May she rest in peace.”

Dwumfour had served the Borough of Sayreville since November 2021, when she ousted the sitting Democrat in a shock election win. She was not up for reelection until 2024.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy said he was “stunned” by the news of the councilwoman’s death.

“Her career of public service was just beginning, and by all accounts she had already built a reputation as a committed member of the Borough Council who took her responsibility with the utmost diligence and seriousness,” Murphy said in a statement.

“I send my condolences to Councilwoman Dwumfour’s family and friends, her governing body colleagues, and the entire Sayreville community,” Murphy added.

Sayreville Mayor Victoria Kilpatrick said the whole community was also “shocked and saddened by the loss.”

“Eunice was a dedicated member of our borough council who was truly committed to serve our residents. The fact she was taken from us by this de


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Posted by on Feb 5 2023. Filed under Africa & World Politics, American Politics, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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