Home » Headlines » Nigeria’s first indigenous chartered accountant, Akintola Williams, passes away at 104

Nigeria’s first indigenous chartered accountant, Akintola Williams, passes away at 104

Akintola Williams

By Ifeanyi Ibeh

Akintola Williams, the trailblazing figure who became Nigeria’s inaugural indigenous chartered accountant, has passed away at the remarkable age of 104. His legacy is firmly etched into Nigeria’s financial landscape, having played a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s accounting profession and fostering the growth of its financial sector.

Mr. Williams, who was born in 1919, embarked on a path that saw him excel in the realm of accounting. He pursued his accounting studies at the prestigious University of London and achieved the status of a chartered accountant in 1947. Upon returning to his homeland, Nigeria, he went on to establish the renowned Akintola Williams & Co., which has since evolved into the respected firm Deloitte & Touche, in the year 1952.

Beyond his professional achievements, Mr. Williams was an ardent advocate for the advancement of the accounting profession in Nigeria. He played a pivotal role as a founding member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), even serving as its president from 1963 to 1965. Additionally, he contributed his expertise as a member of the National Board of Accountants and Auditors.

Throughout his illustrious career, Mr. Williams earned a plethora of awards and distinctions, underscoring his exceptional contributions to his country. These accolades included the esteemed Order of the Federal Republic (OFR) and the Nigerian National Order of Merit (NNOM). Moreover, he was honored as a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

In his passing, Mr. Williams leaves behind a legacy that continues to resonate in Nigeria’s financial and accounting sectors, serving as an enduring source of inspiration for generations to come.



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