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NLC to hold mass rally against corruption September 10

NLC to hold mass rally against corruption September 10


As part of its support for President Muhammad Buhari’s campaign against corruption, the ‎Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC),‎ yesterday in Calabar, Cross Rivers State, said that it has finalised plans to hold a nationwide rally on September 10.

Aliyu Wabba, President of the Congress, in his address at the opening ceremony of the NLC National Leadership Retreat, themed “Returning to our founding principles: The NLC and the challenges facing it”, said workers nationwide would move out enmasse to rally support for the President in his drive to rid Nigeria of corrupt leaders.

“The National Leaderships of the Congress, both the National Executive Council (NEC) and National Administrative Council (NAC) have resolved that on September 10, the workers of this country in our own way will further strengthen the hands of Mr President in the crusade against corruption,” he said.

Wabba said the demand of workers would not only be to expose corrupt leaders, but that corrupt leaders both in and out of service are brought to book and return all the loot stolen by them.

He lamented that the present issue of unpaid salaries and other socio-economic problems presently faced by the workers are as a result of corruption, warning that corruption would kill Nigerians if the country fails to kill it.

The Labour leader further stated: “No one should pretend about the fact that corruption is a critical national challenge which needs to be confronted frontally and subdued for our country to make progress and actualise it’s potentials.

“For us in the Congress, the nation’s revenues which was indiscriminately transferred to individual accounts must be recovered by all means. If we need to employ the services of forensic auditors to uncover the various amounts stashed away in foreign and domestic banks, so be it.”

The NLC President said all the presidents and general secretaries of the affiliates members of the Congress have been directed to commence mobilisation of their members both in the public and the private sectors.

On the Advisory Committee on Corruption recently set up by President Buhari, Wabba said it would be expected to leave a landmark like the Justice Mohammed Uwais Committee did on Electoral Reform.

“It is our hope that the Committee will seek the input and participation of members of the public in its work. The call for special courts to try corruption cases, which the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), has been making since the tenure of Nuhu Ribadu in the Commission, need to be taken up seriously by the committee and articulate a mechanism for its actualisation.”

Meanwhile, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, represented by a member of the House, Sanni Zoro, at the event said lawmakers were in support of Labour’s struggles and pledged to fully participate in the September 10 nationwide demonstration.

(Bimbola Oyesola, DAILY SUN)


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Posted by on Aug 25 2015. Filed under Headlines, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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