Home » Latest Politics » Obidients are everywhere, they have ideas, vision – Fani-Kayode confesses

Obidients are everywhere, they have ideas, vision – Fani-Kayode confesses

By Nwafor Sunday

Former minister of Aviation, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode, has confessed that the supporters of the presidential candidate of the Labour Party, LP, Mr Peter Obi, are everywhere.

He stated that the ‘Obidients’ have ideas and vision. While cautioning the big political parties, (PDP, APC), Fani-Kayode advised them to play their cards very well.

In his article titled ‘Who are these Obidients’?, Fani-Kayode instructed his party members to humble themselves and embrace Obidients with a view to solving their respective problems.

Recall that many political parties have asked about Obi’s political structure. Some have said that Obi has presence only on social media.

But countering their hypothetical submission, Fani-Kayode averred that “I see them amongst my staff and amongst those that regard themselves as being amongst the oppressed and downtrodden. I see them amongst the professionals and those that are bankers, lawyers, doctors and artists.

“I see them in the North, West, East and South. I see them everywhere and not only on social media.

“I see them as being a very powerful and potent rising force which, if properly managed, will develop into a major political power over the next few years with a strong ideological and electoral foundation and massive structures.

“That is the potential that they have and that is how dangerous they can be. The sooner those of us that are in the larger political parties get off our high horses, display a little humility, try and understand their mindset, reach out to them, take them more seriously, appreciate their anger, restore their hope, make the necessary concessions and try and abate their rage and rising angst the better it will be for us all.

“They may not have today but if we do not play our cards right they may end up having tomorrow.


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