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Ohakim’s defeat: New dawn for Imo – CNPP, others

The Association of Opposition Political Parties, under the aegis of Patriotic Alliance of Nigeria (PAN) in Imo, on Saturday described the defeat of Gov Ikedi Ohakim as “a new dawn” for the state.

In the same vein, the Conference of Nigerian Political Parties (CNPP) says the emergence of Chief Rochas Okorocha also signalled “the end of terror” in the area while Imo Group for Better Governance scored Ohakim 80 per cent in terms of performance.

INEC on Saturday declared Okorocha the APGA candidate, winner in the supplementary governorship poll in Imo.

The National Coordinator, PAN and National Chairman, Citizens Popular  Party (CPP), Chief Maxi Okwu said that the result was in line with the sentiments and desire of the people of Imo.

“The result is similar to what we had in Lagos, where there is a wide margin between what the PDP governorship candidates scored and what President Goodluck Jonathan scored.

“What this means is that the people voted for the candidates of their choice and no one can discountenance that,” he said.

Also speaking, the South West Secretary, CNPP, Mr Austin Nnorom expressed delight that the “reign of terror has come to an end in Imo” saying, “CNPP celebrates the end to terror and intimidation of the opposition in Imo state”.

“Today marks the turning point in the lives of Imo people and a signal to politicians in future who think that power can be used to suppress the voice of the people,’’ Nnorom added.

According to him, all must come together in Imo to restore the lost glory of the state from a place of hunger, massive unemployment, armed robbery, kidnapping among others.

“We equally urge the newly elected governor to open his hands to all shades of opinion, especially the progressives, who had been intimidated and driven away,’’ he advised.

He, however, urged the people of the state, especially those in the Diaspora to join hand with the governor-elect to rebuild the state.

Meanwhile, the Imo Alliance for Good Governance (IAGG) has described the result of the governorship polls in the state as “ballot revolution’’.

The Chairman of the Group, Chief Isaac Umeh, said  that Okorocha’s victory marked the beginning of the compulsory and obvious change, desired by Imo people.

The Imo Group for Better Governance, however, scored Ohakim 80 per cent in terms of performance.

Spokesman for the Group, Dr Anderson Nwole said that the outgoing government put up a good fight but the wishes of the people of the state should be obeyed.

Nwole pointed out that Ohakim’s loss was a wakeup call to the governor-elect to try and live up to his campaign promises of free education up to tertiary institution and one term tenure. (NAN)


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Posted by on May 7 2011. Filed under Elections 2011, Governors, Imo, Latest Politics, NNP Elections 2011 Updates, Party Politics, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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