Home » Armed Forces, Army, Headlines, Nigerian Police, Osun, State News » One Injured as Soldiers, Police Clash in Osun

One Injured as Soldiers, Police Clash in Osun

Yinka Kolawole in Osogbo

One policeman was reportedly injured  when some uniformed soldiers engaged with policemen in gun duel at the popular Ajegunle Spare parts market, Area, in Osogbo, the Osun State Capital

Spear parts dealer, traders residents around the area  scamper for safety as some soldiers and police officers clashed following a minor disagreement that degenerated into  free for all.

The clash, it was learnt created panic as both the soldiers and Policemen engaged in gunfire exchange for few minutes.

THISDAY  correspondent gathered that one police officer was allegedly injured during the crisis.

The soldiers and the police officers, it was gathered, were not in uniform when they engaged themselves in a brawl.

An  eyewitness account  told our correspondent that  the soldiers and the police officers in  different vehicles refused to allow each other pass through in the Ajekunle spare part market.

Sources said the policemen and the solders  did refused to allow each vehicle conveying them to pass as what many described  as claiming superiority over wrong driving.

“Both of them did not want to reverse for the other to pass. The police officer identified himself while one of the three soldiers in the car still directed the policeman to reverse. His refusal led to fight.

“The police officer called Dugbe Police station while another three military personnel emanate from nowhere to join the other  soldiers.

Another source within the market said a policeman was reportedly beaten  by some soldiers to the surprise of any people that witnessed the incident.

“The matter degenerated and there was an exchange of gunshots for some minutes. We closed our shops and fled the scene to escape being shot,” an eyewitness, who craved anonymity, said.

“But the situation became tense when some police operatives from Dugbe Police Division, located few meters away from Ajegunle spare parts market arrived at the scene and engaged the soldiers in an argument.

“The incident occurred some around 5pm yesterday. We all fled from  the scene to avoid being  hit by a straight bullet “

The spokesperson for Osun Police Command, Yemisi Opalola, confirmed theclash but said the matter had been resolved.


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Posted by on Aug 15 2022. Filed under Armed Forces, Army, Headlines, Nigerian Police, Osun, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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