Home » Governors, Headlines, Ondo, State News » Owo: Akeredolu reveals aim of attackers, says gunmen didn’t come to kill

Owo: Akeredolu reveals aim of attackers, says gunmen didn’t come to kill

By Adejayan Gbenga Gsong

The Ondo State Governor, Rotimi Akeredolu, on Thursday, visited the scene where some bandits carried out an attack, injuring two people.

Some hoodlums attacked the yard of the Craneburg Construction Company, at Folahanmi Junction, Owo.

Speaking at the scene, Akeredolu said the shooting was aimed at destroying some of the equipment of the construction company and not to maim or kill anyone.

He said, “I want to allay the fear of our people. Clearly, what happened here on Wednesday night was not an attempt to kidnap anybody because they went away with nobody. And we have on the premises over hundred people living there.

“Yes, there were sporadic gunshots at the wall but they never went inside to kill anybody. It is better for everybody to know. They didn’t go inside there to kill anybody. The only two people who had some gunshots were security men who they saw outside the premises.

“So, it is clear to us that their intention was to attack one or two equipment here, which they did. Their explosives affected the tyres and the windscreen of another vehicle.

“And we have close to 50 vehicles here. For us we are looking at it. We are not clear yet about their intention, but this is not one that should send unnecessary panic or fear into the minds of our people. This should not cause panic.

“For the contractors, Owo is a relatively safe place for them. So, they didn’t have armed people here. Maybe we will have to support them to have armed people here to protect all their equipments and vehicles.

“They have been here for over five years. They had the Ore bridge and other roads. So, they are doing so many things for us and they are doing well and we are ready to give them necessary protection.”

The governor also reassured the people of his administration’s commitment to the protection of lives and property, stressing that the Wednesday night shooting was not anything near the June five attack in the town.


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Posted by on Jul 29 2022. Filed under Governors, Headlines, Ondo, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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