Home » Headlines, Kwara, State News » Oyedepo drops bombshell: ‘It’s nasty for Muslims to wear hijab in Christian schools’

Oyedepo drops bombshell: ‘It’s nasty for Muslims to wear hijab in Christian schools’

Oyedepo drops bombshell: ‘It’s nasty for Muslims to wear hijab in Christian schools’

Oyedepo and AbdulRazaq: The bishop says it is nasty for Muslims to wear hijab in Christian schools

By Kazeem Ugbodaga

Presiding Bishop, Living Faith Church Worldwide, David Oyedepo has dropped a bombshell on hijab controversy in Kwara State, saying it is nasty for Muslims to want to wear hijab in Christian schools.

Oyedepo, in a mid-week service, advised Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq of Kwara State to leave mission schools for the owners to run them the way they wanted to.

“What a nasty development in Kwara State, where Muslims are asking their children in our school to wear Hijab and the church said ‘no’.

“I have never seen a place in my life where a tenant will be decreeing for the landlord. I have never seen, you know the reason why? We have never shown the world the other side of God.

“God is not a toy. The Lord is a consuming fire. Let us show them the consuming fire of God. The consuming fire part of God, they need to know. Leave the schools for the owners.

Go to your school, is there any fight? Stop putting fingers in the eyes of others,” Oyedepo warned.

He said the world should be warned against church, as the church is a time bomb waiting to explode.

Oyedepo warned that when God turned his back on anybody or any system, that system would be grounded.

In his words: “The world should be warned against the church. The church is a time bomb.

When God turns his back on anybody, or any system, that system is grounded. That system is cursed.

“My advice and I know they will hear me, my advice is leave the schools for the owners. Find your school, men and women can wear hijab there.

“I can’t understand it, stop putting your fingers in the eyes of others when they are not blind. Father bring an end to harassment against your church in Nigeria.”

-PM News


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Posted by on Mar 25 2021. Filed under Headlines, Kwara, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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