Home » Headlines, Oyo, State News » Oyo State govt calls for calm as massive explosion rocks Ibadan

Oyo State govt calls for calm as massive explosion rocks Ibadan

By Adeola Badru

“Residents of Ibadan and immediate environ experienced an uncommon explosion about 8pm this evening.” – Oyo govt

The Oyo State government has enjoined the residents of the state to be calm, following the massive explosion that rocked Ibadan, the capital city on late Tuesday evening.

According to a statement issued by the Commissioner for Information and Orientation in the state, Prince Dotun Oyelade, all security service chiefs including para-military chiefs and fire operatives have been deployed by the governor to rein in the spillover from the explosion.

“Residents of Ibadan and immediate environ experienced an uncommon explosion about 8pm this evening.”

“There are various interpretations of the incident but it is important for us to state categorically that the state government has taken over and are in full control of the unfortunate occurrence in order to mitigate the incident.”

“His Excellency Governor Seyi Makinde therefore implores citizens to calm down and be rest assured that their interests are being looked after,” the statement said.

According to the information gathered, the heavy sound shook the School of Nursing hostel, and University College Hospital and shattered all the windows.

Some residents of Ologuneru, Owalla, Isokan, Ekerin, Eleyele, and parts of Apete also said they felt the shaking.

According one Mr Babatunde Arowosafe, “My daughter and wife who were in different places at the time of the shaking ran out saying they felt a heavy thud on the ground. My daughter said she heard it at the back of the house while her mummy said she heard it on the roof.”

“I was sitting in the living room when the earth shook. I thought something hit my gate and I was about to rush out when my boy said, he heard the gate of the neighbor’s house shake too.”

Some residents from Bodija, Obasa, Mokola, Oke Itunu, Barracks, Gbaremu also shared their experiences.

“I was alighting from a car when I heard a deafening noise. People ran Helter shelter. I felt things were rolling.

One of the nurses at UCH, Leye said in her status that some patients were confused and started running

Also affected was a popular mall at Bodija Housing Estate, Ibadan. All the roofs of the mall collapsed.

Some hoodlums capitalized on the incident and started looting the mall.

Another resident in Adeyi area of Bodija said, “There’s a loud explosion here and there are some casualties”. This, could not be verified as there’s no one to confirm its authenticity.


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Posted by on Jan 16 2024. Filed under Headlines, Oyo, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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