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Oyo State Police Speak On Alleged Assassination Attempt On Peter Obi

Oyo State Police Speak On Alleged Assassination Attempt On Peter Obi

By paulcraft

The Oyo State Police Command has refuted claims that the Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate, Peter Obi, was assassinated during a rally at the Lekan Salami, Adamasingba Stadium last week.

WITHIN NIGERIA reported that there was a commotion at the LP campaign in Oyo state on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, after an unidentified man was caught with a dagger at the event.

The man was dressed in a black suit and was said to be standing near the walkway where the LP flagbearer was supposed to pass on his way to the rally venue.

On social media, there are unverified claims that the man was at the rally to attack Obi, with many netizens urging the Labour Party presidential candidate to beef up his security.

Adewale Osifeso, spokesman for the Oyo police command, confirmed in a statement issued on Sunday, November 27, 2022, that police officers arrested a man identified as Lateef Wasiu at the campaign venue.

Lateef was arrested, according to the police chief, for having a double-faced jack-knife hidden inside his suit, in violation of the 2022 Electoral Act and other guiding regulations.

Contrary to online reports, Osifeso stated that there was no attempt on Obi’s life and warned party supporters against spreading false information that could endanger the state’s peace.

The Police Department also advised the state’s political leaders to warn their supporters not to approach campaign grounds with dangerous objects, as the command will deal with defaulters.

According to the spokesman, the suspect has been charged and summoned to court to explain his actions.


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Posted by on Nov 28 2022. Filed under Elections, Elections 2023, Labour Party (LP), Latest Politics, Nigerian Police, Oyo, Party Politics, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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