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Paul Enenche speaks after INEC declared Tinubu winner of 2023 polls

Paul Enenche speaks after INEC declared Tinubu winner of 2023 polls

By Chukwuani Victoria

The General Overseer of the Dunamis Church, Pastor Paul Enenche has reacted to the emergence of the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate, Bola Tinubu, as the February 25th presidential election winner.

The 54-year-old preacher who recently told his congregation that the behaviors that were exhibited by some political leaders and their thugs during the election were similar to those that are common in the animal kingdom.

He said, “Unfortunately, the human demons in our custody and their lunatic agents in various parts of the country didn’t allow for a peaceful and just election in those places. Videos recordings of their misdeeds were flying from Lagos, Rivers, Kogi, Anambra, Abuja etc, with thugs at the helm of affairs in certain units.

“Some were saying ‘if you are not voting our party, leave here’ at a polling unit in Lagos and a policeman was standing there.” He continued, “The question is: who are the kinds of leaders or aspirants who would orchestrate those kinds of criminalities?

They are worthless, valueless and mobile disasters that have neither credibility nor quality to command any form of followership or win elections, so they have to resort to criminality, thuggery and all forms of manipulative devices to attempt to win.”

His statement forced the APC presidential campaign council to demand his arrest by the police.

However, hours after the former governor of Lagos was declared president-elect, Enenche via his Instagram page on Wednesday posted a video of himself on Instagram praying in tongues for Nigeria saying, “I announce to you, Satan, your agenda for Nigeria cannot stand.”


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Posted by on Mar 3 2023. Filed under Elections, Elections 2023, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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