Home » Elections, Elections 2023, Labour Party (LP), Party Politics » Peter Obi appoints army spokesman, who claimed Lekki massacre was photoshopped, as campaign member

Peter Obi appoints army spokesman, who claimed Lekki massacre was photoshopped, as campaign member

By Adekunle Dada

Presidential Candidate of the Labour Party, Peter Obi, has appointed John Enenche, the army officer who claimed photos and videos from the massacre of unarmed demonstrators at Lekki Tollgate were photoshopped, as a member of his presidential advisory council.

WITHIN NIGERIA had reported that Obi on Wednesday released a list of his campaign team, which had 1,234 names, including the army general appointed as a representative of the North-Central.

The appointment of Enenche, a retired general and former director of defence information, has triggered an outcry from the party’s supporters.

The Obi’s supporters insisted Enenche is unsuitable to take up any position in the former Anambra State Governor’s campaign team due to his role in covering up the Lekki massacre in October 2020.

According to Peoples Gazette, the campaign’s chief spokesman, Yunusa Tanko, did not immediately respond to request seeking comments on the matter.

It will be recalled that Enenche had claimed that the Instagram live footage of DJ Switch, which showed #EndSARS protesters dying from Nigerian army’s bullets, was photoshopped. The video of his claims has been posted on Twitter.

Obi’s supporters, christened ‘Obidients’, are clamouring for the removal of Enenche’s name from the campaign council.


“My own beef with the Peter Obi PCC is the inclusion of Gen. John Enenche (Rtd). Much as his inclusion is strategic and might come with some weight, I won’t forget his role in the #EndSARS massacre. He was the one who said DJ Switch’s IG live was photoshop. I can’t forgive that.”


“Why is John Enenche’s name on the Labour Party list?? He denied the occurrence that happened at Lekki tollgate. His name must be taken off!!! @NgLabour”


“I expect all #OBIdients especially those from the SE to demand for the removal of Major Gen John Enenche (rtd) as a member of Labour Party’s Presidential Campaign Council. Anything short of that means we see evil ONLY when our tribes men are not involved. #ObiDattiAllTheWay”


“He is a member is of the campaign council and it’s not a problem for as a retired officer who has full control of his actions now have decided to follow the light.”


“@PeterObi @NgLabour Gen. John Eneche cannot be on that list. He must be removed and replaced to send the right message.”

A minority of Obidients, however, defended the army general, saying he was only acting on orders from above two years ago.


“As a serving military personnel, you will do same. They are simply orders from above.

Don’t try to create a falsehood about what he said. No one will say otherwise under such circumstances, as long as it’s a directive.”


“Many of you should should know that when you are under a wicked government, you lie and lie and lie and lie. The best is to leave such government but for him, he was military general who defends the military and the government. What should he have done?”


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Posted by on Oct 14 2022. Filed under Elections, Elections 2023, Labour Party (LP), Party Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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