Home » Armed Forces, Army, Headlines » Photos: Identity of Nigerian Army Captain shot dead by female soldier revealed

Photos: Identity of Nigerian Army Captain shot dead by female soldier revealed

Identity of Nigerian Army Captain shot dead by female soldier revealed

By Olugbenga Ige

The photo and name of the captain in the Nigerian Army killed by a female soldier in Adamawa State have been revealed.

Naija News learned that the senior army officer killed by a female soldier enforcing a curfew imposed by the state government has been identified as Captain Bitrus Sini.

According to SaharaReporters, a military source said the female soldier also identified as Lance Corporal Nkiru Okonkwo had shot Sini who intervened in an altercation between her and civilians at a checkpoint in Yola, the state capital.

The source said Okonkwo had ordered all motorists returning home during the curfew to turn back, but they explained that they were workers on essential duty.

The soldier was said to be adamant despite the explanation given by the passengers which prompted the captain to intervene but unfortunately led to his death.

He said: “Some people stopped at the checkpoint and explained themselves as workers on essential duties, but the female soldier insisted they must turn back.

“A captain came forward to intervene. Unfortunately, she had already cocked her rifle, so she just fired and killed him accidentally.”

It was learnt that the army officer was rushed to the Federal Medical Centre, Yola, where he was confirmed dead, while the female soldier was arrested and whisked away by soldiers who arrived at the scene.

Speaking to SaharaReporters about the deceased, a Major in the army said, “The late officer is Captain Bitrus Sini, I have known him for over five years, a very gentle officer. Unfortunately, he just got married last year December.”


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Posted by on Aug 8 2023. Filed under Armed Forces, Army, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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