Home » Headlines » Pictures: Dental Surgeon, Chinelo Megafu, killed in the Abuja-Kaduna train terror attack, buried amid tears

Pictures: Dental Surgeon, Chinelo Megafu, killed in the Abuja-Kaduna train terror attack, buried amid tears

Dental Surgeon, Chinelo Megafu, killed in the Abuja-Kaduna train terror attack, buried amid tears

Chinelo Megafu

Chinelo Megafu, a University of Port Harcourt trained Dental Surgeon, killed in the Abuja-Kaduna train attack of March 28, 2022, was buried amid tears today.

The funeral service was held at the Shepherdhill Baptist Church, Obanikoro, Lagos.

Ms Chinelo had tweeted during the attack that she had been shot in one of the first messages from victims that conveyed the gravity of their situation.

“I’m on the train. I have been shot. Please pray for me,” she had tweeted.

However, many mocked the tweet until Michael Ajidahun, her colleague and friend, gave an update hours later that she did not survive the attack.

“Just woke up to a sad news My friend just woke up to losing a close friend who was shot at the Abuja Kaduna train incident by terrorists She tweeted yesterday that we should pray for her.

Sadly she didn’t make it. She was a Doctor Nigeria why..I’m heartbroken,” said Ajidahun better known as ‘The Bearded Doctor’ on Twitter.

Another friend said Ms Megafu had resigned from a popular hospital in Kaduna where she worked, ahead of her relocation abroad.

According to her, the doctor was bound to leave Nigeria.

“Dr Chinelo was making an honest living, she was working at St Gerald’s hospital in Kaduna, she wanted more for herself and processed her papers to leave this hell-hole.

She resigned last month to leave the country this Friday then this happened. Nigeria why???” she tweeted.

Another user, Emmaculate, whose tweet indicated he knew the late Ms Megafu wrote: “May your gentle soul rest in peace Dr Chinelo. This is too much for me to bear. OmG”

He had earlier tweeted that Ms Megafu was not responding to messages, an indication that he had tried to reach her after she tweeted that she had been shot.

-PM Newswp_posts

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