Home » Goodluck Jonathan (2010-present), Headlines, Presidency » Pictures: Former Nigerian President Jonathan reconnects with school mates in a Reunion meet, 40 years after

Pictures: Former Nigerian President Jonathan reconnects with school mates in a Reunion meet, 40 years after

Former Nigerian President Jonathan reconnects with school mates in a Reunion meet, 40 years after – Urban Life Post

Former school mates of former President Goodluck Jonathan met in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, for a reunion, forty years after graduating from the Univeristy of Port Harcourt in 1981.

The University of Port Harcourt Class of 1981 met on Friday with President Goodluck Jonathan and Mr. Victor Halliday also in attendance.

The former students of the University of Port Harcourt visited notable sites in Bayelsa State. They visited the first oil well in Oloilbiri, Ogbia LGA in Bayelsa State, they visited the Oil and Gas Park also in Oloibiri, Ogbia LGA in Bayelsa State.

The 1981 Class of University of Port Harcourt also visit their former lecturer Prof. E. J Alagoa, the pioneer Dean of Humanities at the University of Port Harcourt before proceeding to the Palace of King A.J Turner at Opume in Ogbia Kingdomin Bayelsa State for lunch and cultural fiesta.

Former President Jonathan took to his social media handle to say “It was a delight to reconnect with my former school mates from the University of Port Harcourt, forty years after graduation at the ongoing Unique Uniport Class of 1981 Reunion in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State .

“Today was an eventful day as we visited notable sites in Bayelsa like the first oil well in Oloilbiri, Ogbia LGA Bayelsa State the Oil and Gas Park , a visit to our former lecturer Prof. E. J Alagoa,the pioneer Dean of Humanities at the University of Port Harcourt before proceeding to the Palace of King A.J Turner at Opume in Ogbia Kingdom for lunch and cultural fiesta.”



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Posted by on Nov 28 2021. Filed under Goodluck Jonathan (2010-present), Headlines, Presidency. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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